Posted on 9/13/2020
If your vehicle makes a grinding sound when you turn the steering wheel, it's speaking to you. No, really, it is. So listen to what it's saying and you could avoid a much more costly repair down the road. A grinding sound coming from the front of your vehicle when you are turning can offer some very informative clues as to what's going on. One cause could be that there's a problem with the mechanical linkage that enables you to turn the wheels. Another is that the hydraulic system that makes turning the steering wheel easier may have its own problems. Think of it. Hydraulic power steering has many components that need to work in tandem. The power steering fluid may be too old and contaminated. Or its level may be low. That may be caused by a leak somewhere in the system. A technician can check things over to find out exactly what's happening. Other causes of grinding while turning can be problems with the suspension in the front. Yo ... read more
Posted on 9/6/2020
Who thinks about their fuel gauge? You probably don't… until it doesn't work any more. Then you have to guess how much fuel is in your tank, and that's no way to live life on the road. Fuel gauges, like every other part in your vehicle, can fail. And when yours stops working, you will probably want to head over to your service facility soon, because no one relishes running out of fuel. The fuel gauge system is much more than just the gauge you can see on your instrument panel. Most systems have a float inside the fuel tank that goes up and down depending on the fuel level. It's called the fuel sending unit, and it sends an electrical signal to the gauge (on the dash) telling it to display how much fuel is left in the tank. So, what could go wrong? Well, a few things. For one thing, corrosion from bad fuel can cause it to stick and it won't move up and down any more. So you could fill up your tank and the gauge would still rea ... read more
Posted on 6/7/2020
When you slow down at stoplight, your vehicle's idle should be smooth as silk. But what happens when the engine is missing or idling roughly? That's your engine's way of telling you, "Hey, I've got something wrong with me and if you don't get someone to find out what it is, I may not start the next time you turn the key." You can help your service facility if you can describe the problem in detail. Here's a list of things to make a note of: When is the problem happening, when the engine is cold or when it's been running for a while? Does the rough idling occur when I'm accelerating or when I'm going at a steady speed? Does it happen at high speeds? Does it happen low speeds? Does it happen at both? Make sure you describe the problem in as much detail because it will help a technician diagnose the problem. One of the first things they'll check is how the spark plugs are firing. Modern iridium plugs are supposed to last a long, long time. But they CAN even ... read more
Posted on 5/17/2020
You might remember a hit TV sitcom that was set in a bar, a place where "everybody knows your name." The idea, of course, is people feel more comfortable where they aren't just another customer among many; they're special because their relationship goes back a few years. That comfortable relationship can extend to professionals you deal with, too. Think of your accountant, your dentist, your doctor. Most people try to stick with the same person or firm in those businesses. They have grown to know their work over the years and they've learned to trust their professionalism, the quality of their work and their track record. Ideally, you should have that same relationship with your automotive service facility, like your friends here at Pacific Highway Auto Repair. You may have tried several facilities over the years until you found one that did good work at a reasonable price. The longer your relationship with your service facility, the be ... read more
Posted on 4/5/2020
Ever notice a little spot of liquid under your vehicle after you've parked in your driveway or garage? It may have been something as simple as water left from air conditioning condensation. But then again, it could be a sign that there's trouble brewing in one of your vehicle's systems. You can help your service facility diagnose the problem by getting a little sample of the drip. At the same time, you may save yourself a tougher clean up task by preventing the leaky fluid from really messing up the driveway or garage floor. The first thing is to put something under the vehicle. A flattened out cardboard box will do fine. You may also want to slip a little disposable aluminum tray or pan under it to catch a bit of the fluid. Chroma and consistency can help a technician quickly figure out what kind of fluid you're dealing with. You can take your sample with you when you go to your service facility. Also note how much of the substance is there over wha ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2020
You may be driving along and find that suddenly your radio stops working. There are no numbers on the display. Then when you get home, you notice the garage door opener doesn't do a thing when you press the button. Hmm, this was working just fine this morning. Are the two problems somehow related? No, your vehicle doesn't need an exorcism. This has all the signs of an electrical issue, and when you experience symptoms like those, you've probably blown a fuse. Most vehicles have fuses just like most houses have circuit breakers (some houses still have fuses). They cut the power when it reaches a pre-determined threshold that could cause major damage if it was allowed to continue. You might say fuses take one for the team. Most modern automotive fuses are plastic with a thin strip of metal in them designed to melt when a calibrated amount of power passes through. The philosophy is it's better for an inexpensive fuse to be destroyed than your sou ... read more
Posted on 1/19/2020
You may have had a friend whose vehicle was the victim of hungry rodents. After all, mice, rats and squirrels—even rabbits—have been known to gnaw on wires in engine compartments, causing vehicle electrical systems to go haywire. They can disable a vehicle completely and be very expensive to fix. In 2017, some drivers noticed their vehicle's wiring was being chewed and found out the automaker was using a relatively new material for covering their wires: soy. Many of the repairs to their new vehicles weren't covered under warranty by the manufacturer when it was discovered rodents were eating the wiring. So the owners filed a class action suit, saying the soy covering was essentially baiting the critters. The automakers tell a different story, saying mice, rats and squirrels have been chewing through wire insulation long before it was made out of soy. Regardless of what the insulation is made of, vehicle owners should make sure rodents are ... read more
Posted on 8/4/2019
We've all been through it. The vehicle ahead of us kicks up mud, slush, snow or salt on our windshield and we can't see a thing. And not being able to see a thing when we're driving? Not a good thing. Debris on a vehicle's glass can be blinding when driving directly into the sun. And other things can ruin visibility: scratches on the glass, fogged windows, mineral deposits. So lets make one thing clear: Your windows. Here are some tips. Number one rule, don't use abrasives on glass. That means no gritty cleaners that are made for metal. Avoid at all costs those dark green abrasive pads on some kitchen sponges that are made to clean metal pots and pans UNLESS the manufacturer specifically says they can be used on glass. Use the appropriate cleaner for the substance that's being cleaned off. Special automotive glass cleaners are available, and your Pacific Highway Auto Repair service advisor can make recommendations. Vinegar can work wonders. So ... read more