
Good Service at Pacific Highway Auto Repair Equals Good Fuel Economy in San Diego

Whether we're trying to save money, save gas or save the environment, most of us San Diego drivers have an interest in decreasing fuel consumption. We've all heard about ways to save money on gas in CA, but does it really add up to much? How much can we boost our fuel economy through preventive maintenance and more courteous driving?The US government has a website that actually answers that question. Let's look at some of the data and find out if any of these fuel-saving ideas are really worth the effort. We've all heard that a tune-up can improve gas mileage. It turns out that it can save us 4% at the pump. At $3.50 a gallon, that's 14¢ per gallon in savings, and at $4.00 a gallon, that's a 16¢ per gallon savings.Other common repair items can also save you at the pump. For example, if your oxygen sensor is faulty, it's not delivering the information to your engine's computer that allows it to calculate the right fuel-to-air ratio. The result? The f ... read more


Fuel Economy

Air Conditioning Maintenance at Pacific Highway Auto Repair in San Diego

Warm weather or cold, San Diego drivers still need to think about their vehicle's air conditioning. Most San Diego people don't service their air conditioning until after it fails. At Pacific Highway Auto Repair, we can advise you on your vehicle manufacturers preventive maintenance schedules for air conditioning service, just as we do for transmission service, oil changes and so on. Maintaining your air conditioning system means that you always have enough refrigerant to properly do the job. Small leaks in the vehicle's air conditioning system allow the refrigerant to escape and the system can't cool the air as well. We see that a lot at Pacific Highway Auto Repair in San Diego.The refrigerant also contains oil that lubricates air conditioning components and keeps the seals resilient. Low refrigerant and lubricating oil means that the air conditioning parts will wear out prematurely, and all San Diego vehicle owners know that air condi ... read more


Air Conditioning